Two Shot Explosive guns are so powerful, players have started selling them for real world money on popular online marketplaces. This means that it has to be at least a two star drop to obtain a Two Shot Explosive weapon. Legendary weapons in Fallout 76 are slightly different from those found in Fallout 4 though, because you can stack legendary effects to make them even more powerful.Īs you've probably guessed, Two Shot Explosive guns are a combination of the Two Shot mod, which fires two projectiles simultaneously, and the Explosive effect, which makes all shots deal explosive damage.
As such, it's not easy to obtain and you won't be drowning in them like you do with Pipe Pistols or Short Hunting Rifles. Simply put, a Two Shot Explosive gun is a legendary weapon. What is a Fallout 76 Two Shot Explosive gun?
If that sounds like something you want then here's all we know about two shot explosive guns in Fallout 76. Because even with the nerfs it's still a gun that fires two explosive bullets that do splash damage. Those days are gone but these weapons are still a rare and sought after drop in Fallout 76. There was a time where two Shot Explosive guns in Fallout 76 were the weapons to get thanks to the ridiculous damage output.